onsdag 2 september 2009

"In every tear is a laughter"

I have been thinking of this message so long. So many times I have felt inspired to start my blog again, but of course whenever I got near a computer, the inspiration was gone. But now, I am officially starting up my blog again. I created it so that my firends and family in Sweden could follow me when I was abroad, travelling and studying. But, which is also the reason why I have dreaded to write here again, is because mostly I wrote the blog for my dad, and without him here it just didn't make sense. I am now changing it to English so that my international friends, and Swedish of course, can read it. And hopefully comment on it. I don't know how often or what Im gonna feel comportable writing about, because basically all of my inner feelings is concerning the fact that I lost my dad in June. Of course, life goes on, and all of that, that was very important to my dad...but to me personally, life doesn't seem to make sense the same way as before.

Maybe I will write about how Im dealing with all of this, maybe not. Sometimes I feel I really want to write something about it, other times I feel its too personal.

But it will make me so happy to know if there is anyone reading it, because I know my dad was my most freaquent reader, so it would be nice it you who readers of this blog, just comment with your name, so I know that I have readers.

I just first want to dedicate this first message to my friends, the Spin girls in Sundsvall, my Erasmus friends and to my girl friends in Gothenburg. You have in so many ways made this experience and summer a whole lot easier for me - thank you. There's no words to describe how thankful I am to have all of you as my friends.

Even though it might come up, this blog is not gonna have a sad caracter (my dad was all about thinking positive so Im gonna keep that going), even if this first one might be.

My best lesson this summer, that I wanna spread to everyone who has ever felt sad or are feeling sad or miss someone, is that you shouldn't feel sad about feeling sad. Sadness just shows the love to the person you are missing. Someone told me that "in every tear is a laughter", a memory of something happy, something you once laught about with that person. And that gives me a bit of comfort, because that shows that I have been very fortunate to have had alot of laughter with people, my dad especilly, and that we had a lot of good memories. And to my Erasmus readers - no wonder we cried saying goodbye, think of the awesome moments we had together (london pub, bbq, not to mention the whole "pants - candle situation in the bathroom")

Thought of so many things to write, but Im gonna finish here, and just gonna let my inspiration blossom til my next input here.

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Petra min goa vän. Jag vet att vi är många som tänker på dig och finns om du behöver oss. Känn dig aldrig ensam. Ses i skolan imorgon! Stor kram Moa

Q. sa...

Awesome that it is in English now! Definitly gonna read, but promise to write a lot!

martina sa...

really good that u write in english, i was hoping i could read a bit from february or the time in france, and see how u thought about mc2 night or other moments we had together ;-)
so im excited to hear more from sweden! today at work i read about what swedens gouvernment is planning to do during the swedish presidency of the EU-council, and i was thinking of u the whole time:-)
hugs and kisses!

Emma sa...

petra,I got tears when you wrote about that.. I come always comments after you and that was your dad want inspire to us. We come always miss his comments here. Good idea with english text in blog for europe friends, for now I say welcome back to blog world again...

Syrran sa...

Kul att du återupptagit bloggen igen. Pappa kommer fortsätta läsa den, och följa dina äventyr. Det vet du. Kram från syrran.

Jennifer sa...

Jag läser också din blogg, tack för all hjälp med både Ecuador och studentbostäder! :)