fredag 18 september 2009

Study break now

In many countries serier and movies in television is dubbed. That is not the case in Sweden. Swedish people are often surprised as to common this is though abroad. Last Sunday they showed a Swedish movie on tv4. This was a movie based on a Swedish book, but it was a Swedish-German production. So the German actors in the movie was dubbed. This cause a major "riot" amongst viewers in Sweden. Tv4 later held an extra "thing" on the news in the morning to justify and explaining the situation.

It was not just that people didn't like it dubbed. People actually emailed and called the channel because they thought that their television had broken or that there was something wrong with the broadcastning of the movie. This was to me very intressting, because it shows that to have something dubbed in television is so rare, or even non-existing, that people in Sweden doesn't even get what it is. People didnt understand what was wrong when the lips of a character didnt move according to the thing just said. Haha.... funny....

(By the way, I think it was the movie that I saw in Toulouse with some of you library girls Martina and Anne.)

This weekend I am STUDYING!!! ALL WEEKEND! Got a MAJOR assignment to be done by Thursday. So all weekend will be me, injecting caffeine in form of espressos... But its fun also. One thing that Im doing right now is to learn as much as possible about the history of South Africa. Very intressting! I have said it before, I will say it again. If you haven't read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela now is the time to do so.

So fascinating how people seripusly could be so incredible stupid. Just read all the laws of The Native Land Act, that basically said that only white people could own or rent any land in South Africa.

Thinking of some stupidity of previous generations makes me wonder what I am thinking now or doing that is gonna make people think of me as stupid in a century or so.... a guess is probably something with todays materialism or environment perspective (or lack of it).

Tonight I am going to Liseberg to see Håkan Hellström, a Swedish singer from Gothenburg. I am pretty sure I "forced" some Erasmus in Grenoble to listen to him, so those of you who are reading this, probably have listened to him, even if you didnt want to.

Gotta study more now if Im gonna make it!

tisdag 15 september 2009

(can't really think of a good headline for this....)

Sorry for the delay... and for my miss spelling in my previous message. Of course I ment dutch. haha...

Anyway. What's new since last time? Going to school, going to the gym, going on different meetings. I am a "student buddy" for exchange students as I mentioned before. It's alot of fun. Last week we arranged an international dinner. I got to practice my french and spanish which was nice. Great food also. The (many) Germans had brought "traditional" food. I was surprised of how much potatoes that is included in that. Haha.

Also it is apparent that international students are often younger than Swedish. Last week it was a classmate of mine's 21st birthday - and she's doing a Master Program! I have also decided to buy a small note book and let my international friends teach me some cool words or sentences in their language. I'll keep you updated on how my language school is going. And for my international friends, I might even surprise you next time...

Funny thing happened last Friday night. Me and Moa (a classmate) had been out with the class at after work and the plan was to go out... but in the end we ended up buying a kebab at 1 a.m. thinking of going home. Anyway... we meet this Swedish couple (around 25-30) and start talking to them. As it ends up she's a political official from Jönköping. We (of course) get into this poltical discussion and they asks us about our point of view. To make a long story short, I tell them that I will never be able to vote for one party in Sweden because I think they bring back Sweden to the 1950s with their politics. And that is the christian democrats... and surprise - of course she's from that party!

Haha. So funny. Jönköping should have tiped me off (thats like the centre for Christian people in Sweden). So at 1.30 am we ended up spending over an hour debating child politics and gender. Intressting as she is the only young female from that party that I have had a discussion with. I get her point of view, but my opinion still stands.

Just got home. Gotta get some dinner. There's nothing good on tv tonight...

Anyone got a good movie to recommend? I've heard that Tarantinos new movie is suppose to be good....

That's it for now! ciao

fredag 4 september 2009

the germans and deutch are invading

Quick message...

Went out yesterday with a classmate of mine, who is a study buddy for exchange students here in Gothenburg. It was a lot of fun, and i gotta say the germans and the deutch really dominates in numbers here! They're eveywhere ;-)

Anyway, just got home... gotta get ready, meeting my class to go to after work to have some food and drinks at 5. Nice...

onsdag 2 september 2009

"In every tear is a laughter"

I have been thinking of this message so long. So many times I have felt inspired to start my blog again, but of course whenever I got near a computer, the inspiration was gone. But now, I am officially starting up my blog again. I created it so that my firends and family in Sweden could follow me when I was abroad, travelling and studying. But, which is also the reason why I have dreaded to write here again, is because mostly I wrote the blog for my dad, and without him here it just didn't make sense. I am now changing it to English so that my international friends, and Swedish of course, can read it. And hopefully comment on it. I don't know how often or what Im gonna feel comportable writing about, because basically all of my inner feelings is concerning the fact that I lost my dad in June. Of course, life goes on, and all of that, that was very important to my dad...but to me personally, life doesn't seem to make sense the same way as before.

Maybe I will write about how Im dealing with all of this, maybe not. Sometimes I feel I really want to write something about it, other times I feel its too personal.

But it will make me so happy to know if there is anyone reading it, because I know my dad was my most freaquent reader, so it would be nice it you who readers of this blog, just comment with your name, so I know that I have readers.

I just first want to dedicate this first message to my friends, the Spin girls in Sundsvall, my Erasmus friends and to my girl friends in Gothenburg. You have in so many ways made this experience and summer a whole lot easier for me - thank you. There's no words to describe how thankful I am to have all of you as my friends.

Even though it might come up, this blog is not gonna have a sad caracter (my dad was all about thinking positive so Im gonna keep that going), even if this first one might be.

My best lesson this summer, that I wanna spread to everyone who has ever felt sad or are feeling sad or miss someone, is that you shouldn't feel sad about feeling sad. Sadness just shows the love to the person you are missing. Someone told me that "in every tear is a laughter", a memory of something happy, something you once laught about with that person. And that gives me a bit of comfort, because that shows that I have been very fortunate to have had alot of laughter with people, my dad especilly, and that we had a lot of good memories. And to my Erasmus readers - no wonder we cried saying goodbye, think of the awesome moments we had together (london pub, bbq, not to mention the whole "pants - candle situation in the bathroom")

Thought of so many things to write, but Im gonna finish here, and just gonna let my inspiration blossom til my next input here.